When you’re getting car insurance, you don’t want to just take the first policy you find. Car insurance policies are unique and you want to make sure you’re getting a policy that’s right for you. Roadway Insurance, Inc., a provider of MAIF insurance, provides some questions you should make sure you’re asking your car insurance agent.
What Types of Car Insurance Should I Need?
There are multiple different kinds of car insurance. In Maryland, there’s a minimum coverage amount that provides the base of your insurance policy. You have to have $30,000 of coverage for bodily injury per person, $60,000 for bodily injury for two or more people, and $15,000 for property damage.
There are add-ons for car insurance that can benefit you as well. Comprehensive insurance takes care of your car if it’s damaged in an incident that isn’t related to a collision or vehicle rollover. You can also get collision coverage that protects you even if you’re the one who’s at-fault in an accident.
If you have a motorcycle, motorcycle insurance will be required as well, as this is a different type of vehicle. You may also need different coverage if you’re a driver for a rideshare service. There are gaps between your traditional coverage and the coverage your rideshare company provides. We can help you analyze your needs and recommend the best coverage for you.
Are There Discounts Available?
There are many different kinds of discounts you may be eligible for. For instance, if your car is low mileage throughout the year or you install certain security measures on your car, you may be able to get a discount. If you’re affiliated with certain agencies like AAA, you may be able to get a discount that way as well.
At Roadway Insurance, we also offer flexible payment options. If you’re able to pay in full, you get 5% off of the total. Payment plans are available as well to help you spread out payments and make sure you’re able to get the coverage you need.
How is My Rate Determined?
There are way more factors that go into determining your car insurance rate than you may realize. Your age, gender, car type, and more all go into the decision. Your address also helps to determine this. If you’re in an urban area or a place that has a higher rate of auto collisions, your insurance rate is going to be higher than someone in a rural area that’s lightly populated.
Getting Your MAIF Insurance
We have the answers to all of these questions and more. Call us to get a MAIF car insurance quote or request a free quote online.